Why Join?

Member Benefits

NCME offers its members a wide variety of resources and opportunities, including:

Two Quarterly Publications

  • The Journal of Educational Measurement (JEM) publishes articles on technical and theoretical developments in measurement and improvements in the application of measurement methods in educational and other community settings.
  • Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EM:IP) aimed at practitioners and users of tests, publishes articles intended to promote a better understanding of educational measurement and to encourage reasoned debate on current issues of practical importance to educators and the public.

Instructional Materials

  • NCME prepares instructional materials for educational measurement teachers, program designers and evaluators, and classroom teachers. These materials include references for additional reading.
  • Instructional Topics in Educational Measurement (ITEMS) are published regularly in Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.


  • NCME has an extensive committee structure that reflects the interests and activities of membership. Members are involved in a variety of committees that address topics such as awards, recruiting, and graduate student issues.


  • NCME Special Interest Groups in Measurement in Education (SIGIMIEs) provide an important forum for members with common interests to join together, network and make contributions to membership. Active members can sign-up for SIGIMIEs here


  • NCME meets annually in conjunction with the membership of the American Educational Research Association. The annual meeting offer members of both organizations opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills as well as to share their expertise in a convivial atmosphere.
  • Training programs on specific topics, such as classroom testing, are offered during the annual meetings and provide practical information for application in both work and research settings.

Membership Categories

NCME has the following types of members:

Active members:       
Any person actively engaged in the field of educational or psychological measurement, who desires to promote the purpose of the Council, and who pays dues as prescribed in the NCME Bylaws. An active member shall be entitled to vote and hold elective office.

Student members:      
Any graduate student interested in the field of educational and psychological measurement. Graduate student status must be verified by an Active member of NCME. Graduate students should be interested in promoting the NCME Mission, and should not be employed full-time. Graduate student members do not have the right to vote or hold elective office. Graduate student members may participate on NCME committees, present at annual meetings, and participate in other NCME events. Graduate student membership is free for one year. 

NCME Membership

The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. Join NCME to become part of one of the largest and most important educational measurement associations in the world.

NCME has approximately 1,800 members who are actively involved in assessment, evaluation, certification and licensure, testing policy, and other aspects of testing and educational measurement. 

Members are involved in the construction and use of standardized tests; new forms of assessment, including performance-based assessment; program design; and program evaluation. NCME members include university faculty; test developers; state and federal testing and research directors; professional evaluators; testing specialists in business, industry, education, community programs, and other professions; licensure, certification, and credentialing professionals; graduate students from educational, psychological, and other measurement programs; and others involved in testing issues and practices.

During the past 20 years, NCME has become more diverse, broadening the scope of the organization's vision. Service to communities and ensuring that assessment is fair and equitable for all students have become essential elements of NCME's mission and purposes.

Annual Membership Fees

  • Active Member: $125.00
  • Graduate Student Member (Renewal): $25.00
  • Graduate Student Member (New): FREE for the first year

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