Classroom Assessment

Classroom Assessment Committee

Get Involved

Contribute ideas and resources to illuminate high-quality classroom assessment for educators, researchers, policymakers, and others. Please share your insights and/or resources here.

Support the creation of a new SIGIMIEAssessment and Measurement to Support Classroom Learning by signing your name here.

Recommend webinar speakers to share their knowledge, understanding, and implementation of best practices in classroom assessment. Use this form to nominate yourself or a peer.

Contribute to the NCME Classroom Assessment Committee’s purposes and goals. Sign up here.


    In 2016, the NCME President Mark Wilson initiated a task force focused on classroom assessment. This task force was initially led by Kristen Huff (Curriculum Associates) and Dale Whittington (Shaker Heights City School District). The task force became a permanent NCME Committee in 2020 with the leadership of co-chairs Alison Bailey (University of California, Los Angeles) and Caroline Wylie (Center for Assessment; ETS).

    Past Members

    Jade Caines Lee (Past Co-Chair), Michele Carney, K. Renae Pullen, James McMillan, Janine Jackson, Debbie Durrence, Caroline Wyle (Past Co-Chair), Alison Bailey (Past Co-Chair), Mark Wilson, Neal Kingston, Heidi Andrade, Susan Brookhart, Kristen Huff (Past Co-Chair), Dale Whittington (Past Co-Chair)


    Members of this committee and friends of the committee have voluntarily given their time to engage in the following work in the past years: 

    1. Initiated multiple, high-quality, classroom assessment conferences and webinars.

    2. Provided resources for teachers:

      1. Formative Assessment for Classroom Teachers is a resource curated by Heidi Andrade and Susan Brookhart that provides teachers with formative assessment materials that can be plugged into any curriculum and instruction.

      2. 2020 and 2022 NCME pre-conference professional development with local educators.

    3. Celebrated permanent NCME Committee in 2020 with the leadership of co-chairs Alison Bailey (University of California, Los Angeles) and Caroline Wylie (Center for Assessment; ETS).

    4. Supported the 2020 publication of the edited volume “Classroom Assessment and Educational Measurement,” edited by Susan Brookhart and James McMillan.

    5. Supported special issues in the 2019 Journal of Educational Measurement special issue on classroom assessment, volume 56, issue 4, which published selected papers from the first NCME Classroom Assessment conference