
Denver Skyline2025 Annual Meeting

April 23-26  •  Denver, CO

General Information Preliminary Program

Register Via AERA


Graduate Programs

For current or prospective graduate students, NCME maintains a list of graduate programs in educational measurement in the U.S. and Canada.

View the List of Measurement Programs



NCME members can access full articles in the Journal of Educational Measurement (JEM) and Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EM:IP) through the Wiley Online Library. They also have access to the Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation.

Access JEM ArticlesAccess EM:IP ArticlesAccess CEJEME Articles


DM33:  Fairness in Classroom Assessments: Dimensions and Tensions (Rasooli)
DM34:  Introduction to Multilevel Measurement Modeling (Shaw & Flake)
DM35:  Through-Year Assessment (Dadey, Gong, Kim & Sato)
DM36:  Applying Intersectionality Theory to Educational Measurement (Russell)
Explore the ITEMS Portal


  • Dear NCME Colleagues, Like many of you watching executive activity in and around federal data institutions in the United States, we in NCME leadership have been alarmed by rapid and reckless changes ...

  • Blog Entry

    Dear NCME Community, As we settle into the new year, there is so much to look forward to in this great organization: 1) I am grateful to our program committee for working hard to release a preliminary ...

  • Every year in late Fall and early Spring, many organizations begin posting internship offerings. NCME is making a concerted effort to index all available internship opportunities on the Internships and ...

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